Thursday 5 September 2013

When I first received 1Malaysia Book Voucher...

It’s raining day.

I LOVE the rain. It quenches my soul.

But sometimes rains make me feel sluggish…like don’t want to do anything…

My brain is hard to be rational now...

Last few days, I read the news today about 1Malaysia Book Voucher and it makes my day.
I get surprised!!!
Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) will start distribute 1Malaysia Book Voucher which worth RM250 for all Malaysian Student in coming September. This is twice MOHE distribute book voucher in 2013 years. (Where Malaysia government get such a huge amount of money for distribute book voucher for us? From increase of petrol price? == )
"HOORAY!!! I’m going to get this RM250 in my pocket soon!!! But…it is better if the voucher can be turn into cash!" (I know it is not allowed and it is one of the syarat-syarat behind the voucher)
At this moment, my words, reminds me of the past.

That was my first time received 1Malaysia Book Voucher and I feel excited like other students. When everyone was in happy, I ran into my friend, Raxx and she was wearing a troubled look.
“Hey, why you pull a long face? Facing any trouble?”
“Yeah, I worry about my school fee and I lost my job last two months. I feel panic now. How good if this book voucher can become cash”
Raxx is from single parent family and her family was strongly disagreed for her advance study in diploma cause they has been facing financial difficult for a long period. However, Raxx persist continuous her study even her family was not supporting any cents for her. She trusts that only education can change her life in future. Hence, she gets a part time job for cover her school fee.

It is difficult to balance study and part time job, especially during the exam period. She only can sleep 2 or 3 hours every day. So she lost her job.

I feel sympathy for her and really like to help her even just a little help.
Suddenly, a thought went up my mind.
“Why we don’t exchange the voucher with the people who use cash purchasing in the book store? We help them queue up and pay to pass the IC check. They might be helping us.”
“Good idea…but…Does it work?”
“Who know? Let’s get try!”
Once we reached the book store we started “hunting” the target person. This experience is unforgettable for me! We have to act like selecting the books when looking the right person and can’t get caught by the shop keeper! I feel nervous…and I know I should not dong this, I am violating the rules. But…I’m helping my friend also. I just wanna turn this book voucher in more meaningful!

After a few minutes, we aimed our target as a young lady who holding a stack of exercise books and few of red pens. She looks like a teacher. We step forward to her and asking her help. Sure, we did it in very polite way so she didn’t get shock in our coming.

“OK. I waiting you at here” responded by the lady.

Gosh, we success on first try!
We take all the books from the lady and queue up to pay by book voucher. After that, we get RM250 in cash from the lady. In this way, we exchange the book voucher into cash successfully. Raxx was very grateful for my help. At this moment, I feel happy and proud for my great ideas able to lighten her burden.

After a few weeks of this happened, I read the news that they were some people who did the exactly same thing with me has been arrested by police. Were they really did an unethical behavior? For me, they just only did not obey the regulations of book voucher.

The purpose of 1Malaysia Book Voucher is help ease the financial burden of tertiary students at all over Malaysia. Since this is the objectives, what wrong I change the voucher into a cash to solve my financial problems? It reaches the same objective also. Most of the time, we know what is right or wrong, what should we do and what we should not to do. However, there are some other factors which can easily change your mind, decision and act. For me, the relationship between with VIP (etc: family) is easily to change my mind to somewhere. It is all about value. Sometimes, I feel I am not completely wrong by doing an unethical behaviour.Besides that, if I can change the value of voucher became more meaningful and worth in my life, what I did wrong. It is better than others, who abusive used of vouchers by bought a lot of unnecessary things like CD, dolls, magazines…

Other than that, are really strong ethical value will made human well-being become better? I don’t believe that. Sometimes there are and sometimes there are not. The concept is similar with you put all your effort, try your best to score A in a particular subject. In the end, the only person who get A is the one who always absent in the class.

Get understand and know what value by doing this (worth to do) and what you will be deserve in the end. Keep asking ourselves:"Am I proud of my life? Has this been a full and meaningful life?"
So it is depend on you wanna to be ethical or unethical.

The choice is yours.

Ethics is always ambiguity. It is difficult enough knowing the difference between good and bad, right and wrong. People always set the standard of ethical behaviour as the point of view that most of the people feel that is right. Who come and judge?

 Do I feel guilty for the behaviour that I did for helping my friend?
The answer is no. But…

The answer might be difference if I get caught HAHAHA! So this is the reason why the law and punishment have to been exists in this world.

1 comment:

  1. So, can you imagine what would happen in a world without law and punishment? Well, in some countries they 'trust' their citizens to behave ethically. For example, supermarkets in some parts of NZ do not have CCTV, guards or any checking-out mechanism but no one steals anything. There are also some countries who provides tram/train services without any ticket collector but rather just a box where people drop their coins in and no one checks. Yet, people still pay! Now, isn't it wonderful when everyone does their responsibility ethically and we do not need to rely on rules & punishment! :P
