Monday 23 September 2013

HTC news here!!!

On 31st August, I get shock by below title news from Facebook:

“Three HTC bosses have been arrested and HTC will be close down soon...”

OMG really? I click it immediately!

(I’m not a HTC fans, just would like to know what happened on this famous company)

A trio of top HTC bosses have been arrested and interrogated on suspicion of expenses fraud and stealing trade secrets ahead of leaving the company to run a new mobile design firm in both Taiwan and mainland China.

Hiaz…fraud case again…

The trios of bosses were arrested by Taipei prosecutors on Friday following complaints filed by the company last month. They are:

HTC Vice President of product design, Thomas Chien
Key person in this case!!! He recognized as “the soul of HTC Company”, (but I don’t know who is he before this news) he had his designer team in HTC. Don’t think that he only designed the shell of phone, it includes the design of software, functions and UI interface. He had a strong power on decision making in HTC and Peter Chou, CEO of HTC Company, hold him in high regard.

Research and Development Director, Wu Chien-Hung

Senior manager of design and innovation, Justin Huang

Thomas and Wu Chien-Huang are taken into custody and their offices were also raided as a part of the investigation, whereas Justin is release on bail.

According to the reports, HTC chairwoman, Cher Wang, whistleblower in this case, personally make a complaint to Taiwan's Investigation Bureau, which has since she found out that Thomas, Wu Chien-Huang and Justin planned to set up a new design company (which is already registered under the Chinese name "Xiaoyu") aimed at the mainland Chinese market and that they would resign after claiming their mid-year bonuses. Besides that, she apparently caught Thomas secretly downloading files related to the up-coming phone design and changed the file into Chinese simplified version and then share with external contacts through e-mail.

Is he stupid?! Why use e-mail??! He is looking death…

After expand the investigation, Investigation Bureau found out that Thomas planed to bring along his whole design team work from HTC Company to his new design company, Xiaoyu. Other than that, they also found out that Thomas frequently deal with SiChuan local government and mobile manufactory in China. Thomas planed to cooperate with local government and manufactory in China to develop his new company.

What? How dare he are, cooperate with Sichun local government? Means that Sichun local government also involved in this? Interesting!

How Taiwan Investigation Bureau would like to judge this case? It would be effect the relationship between Taiwan and China.

Three of them also accused of making false commission fee claims for the One's (HTC Phone) aluminum chassis design. This design was actually done by Thomas’s team work (HTC internal department) but they used an external design firm to invoice HTC for over US$334,000 worth of commission fee between May and July and they split the money between themselves. From here, we can know that they are not satisfied the money they have now. They desire more!

After arrested, three of them deny that they fraud the design fee of the One from firm but the external design firm which issued the fake invoice was admitted guilt for this.

After the exposure of this news, HTC Company has a statement on this matter:

"The Company expects employees to observe and practice the highest levels of integrity and ethics. Protecting the company's proprietary and intellectual properties, privacy and security is a core fundamental responsibility of every employee. The company does not compromise nor condone any violation at any level of our organization and the company shall act in accordance to the law. As this matter is currently under investigation by the relevant authorities, we therefore refrain from further comments.

In addition, the company has sufficient resources in our design team and this situation will not impact the company's operations, product portfolio plans and our overall business performance."


From the latest information, HTC Company has been running backwards for a while now due to talent people and employees gone.

It’s really shock news for HTC lovers. According the information from video clip, Thomas Chien received 300k USD salary per year from HTC firm and HTC treat him in advance. He is the first and only designer that recruits by HTC and they very trusted on him. Why he so dumb? Why he still planned to leave and betray HTC? If TIB have sufficient evidences to find them guilty, they may be banned from work in related industry for up to 10 years. This can be a lifetime for them in this industry…

What I only can say is HE IS TOO GREEDY.

People are never satisfied with what they have now. They always desire more or something different. People are feel great when they success in one sector but they are never being satisfied. Thomas Chien is one of the great examples in this case. He even betrayed his boss who lead him into this industry and started his new life. I can imagine how Thomas can be face his boss in future and how sad and disappointed his boss felling now.

He has enough of money to get better life even high profile in mobile industry. What he really desiring? His one month of salary is 10 times of my school fee!

Yeah, everyone wants to get promote in their career and get better life, especially the life is becoming competitive in nowadays, everybody are fighting for their life.

How you can define a better life?

The desires have no end.

However, you must always bear in mind to be a moral quality and ethical people when you looking for a better life. I trust that everyone has their standard to be a morality person and it might be different level.

For me, I can accept anything that not step over my bottom line.

Where your bottom line reach?

I don’t know.

Try to know me and maybe you will get the answer.

Sharing at last,
“The problem for us is not are our desires satisfied or not. The problem is how do we know what we desire.”
By Slavoj Žižek

Richard Lai,Engadget, HTC's exiting designers interrogated for expense fraud and stealling trade secrets (updated),31st August 2013, <www.en<http:/>, viewed on 20th September 2013

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